Monday, 29 August 2016

The Cultural Fest - Spark 2016 JIRS - House Competition (BUDDHA, MAHAVEERA, MEERA & SHANKARA) - (Videos-Photos)

The Cultural Fest - Spark 2016   JIRS - House Competition (BUDDHA, MAHAVEERA, MEERA & SHANKARA
(Videos-Photos) - 25 Aug 2016

       THE JIRS CULTURAL Fiesta is an annual Event that showcases the innate Talents of the students on a public forum. It is a function that brings together the JIRS Confraternity as one united body to Remember, Revive and Rejuvenate what JIRS stands for. For forth students it gives a golden opportunity to build up their esteem, confidence and dignity to find a niche for themselves  to excellent and rise above their inhibitions and create a strong following among their peers and tutors regardless and hence it is RED Letter Day  in the annual of the school. It also occupies a prestigious post in the cultural calendar of the curriculum of the school and is much awaited for each year.” All work and no play make Jack a dull boy/girl” holds much water in JIS.The Cultural Fiesta Justifies the age old axiom.
       Participation in the cultural Fiesta creates a brand value for the participation and places him in a higher plane than the rest of the spectators. It gives him that competitive edge that distinguishes him from those that can and those that do not come up to standards. Besides it erases the ennui that characterises the overshadowing of the classroom, bring out the vim and vigour that stays trapped in the heart and mind of the creative, intuitive and restless student who is dying to let off steam after the rigorous schedule of intellectual pursuits. It enhances the enthusiasm which is locked within his being but is not allowed to escape. It builds up a unique camaraderie which cannot be attained in other curricular pursuits.For youth what is better than letting their aspirations take wings in an atmosphere of fun and frolic rather than in the sacrosanct precincts of the classroom, So let Fiesta live forever because that is what makes boys & girls true ladies  and gentlemen.

Viva La Fiesta!


The Cultural Fest - Spark 2016   JIRS - House Competition (BUDDHAMAHAVEERAMEERA & SHANKARA)


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